Saturday, December 24, 2011

New Frontier Congressional Gold Medal for Astronauts, Versions for Public

Leaders of Congress awarded John Glenn and the astronauts of Apollo 11 -- Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins -- with the New Frontier Congressional Gold Medal on Wednesday during a ceremony at the US Capitol.

Bronze Versions of New Frontier Congressional Gold Medal Two different sized bronze versions of New Frontier Congressional Gold Medal are available to the public.

The United States Mint struck the medals that were presented, and now it is selling a large (3 inch) and a small (1.5 inch) bronze version of the medal directly to the public.

The obverse of the medal features portraits of Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins and Glenn, all wearing their astronaut suits. The design also depicts the Earth from orbit in the lower half of the medal and a scene in the center of an astronaut walking on the moon towards the flag. Inscriptions include JOHN GLENN, NEIL ARMSTRONG, MICHAEL COLLINS, and BUZZ ALDRIN. The image was designed by Joel Iskowitz and sculpted by Phebe Hemphill.

The reverse features the Lunar Excursion Module orbiting the moon and the Friendship 7 mission capsule orbiting the Earth. Inscriptions include WE CAME IN PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND. It was designed by Iskowitz and sculpted by Don Everhart.

The bronze medals went on sale at noon Eastern Time on Wednesday, November 16, 2011. They are $44.95 for the three-inch version and $7.95 for the one and a half inch version. Orders can be placed at or 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468). Hearing and speech-impaired customers with TTY equipment may order at 1-888-321-MINT (6468).

For reference, the Mint's announcement about the bronze medals follows.

WASHINGTON - The New Frontier Congressional Gold Medal was presented today to astronauts John Herschel Glenn, Jr.; Neil A. Armstrong; Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr.; and Michael Collins during a ceremony in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol. The medal, designed and struck by the United States Mint, is in recognition of these astronauts' significant contributions to our Nation.

John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth on February 20, 1962, helping pave the way for the first lunar landing. As mission commander for Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong gained the distinction of being the first astronaut to land a spacecraft on the moon and the first to step on its surface on July 21, 1969. Buzz Aldrin joined Armstrong in piloting the lunar module, Eagle, to the surface of the moon and became the second person to walk on the lunar surface. Michael Collins piloted the command module, Columbia, in lunar orbit and helped his fellow Apollo 11 astronauts complete their mission on the moon.

The medal's obverse (heads side) depicts the portraits of Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins facing left, and Friendship 7 astronaut John Glenn facing right, representing the two historic missions. The design also features a partial view of the Earth from orbit, as well as a horizon line with an astronaut walking on the lunar surface facing the flag.

The names of the four astronauts are inscribed along the outer rim. The obverse was designed by United States Mint Artistic Infusion Program Master Designer Joel Iskowitz and sculpted by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Phebe Hemphill.

The medal's reverse (tails side) design features the Lunar Excursion Module orbiting the moon and the Friendship 7 mission capsule orbiting the Earth with the inscription WE CAME IN PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND. The reverse was designed by Iskowitz and sculpted by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Don Everhart.

Public Law 111-44, which authorized the United States Mint to strike the New Frontier Congressional Gold Medal, also authorizes the bureau to strike and issue three-inch, and one and one-half-inch bronze reproductions of the medal.

The bronze medals, priced at $44.95 (three-inch) and $7.95 (one and one-half-inch), will be available for purchase from the United States Mint at noon Eastern Time on November 16, 2011, at or 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468). Hearing- and speech-impaired customers with TTY equipment may order at 1-888-321-MINT (6468).

The United States Mint, created by Congress in 1792, is the Nation's sole manufacturer of legal tender coinage and is responsible for producing circulating coinage for the Nation to conduct its trade and commerce. The United States Mint also produces proof, uncirculated and commemorative coins; Congressional Gold Medals; and silver, gold and platinum bullion coins.

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