Monday, May 16, 2011

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

US Mint Coin Production Figures Fall in February 2011

Gettysburg National Military Park Quarter

The United States Mint produced fewer coins in February 2011 than in January 2011, according to published coin production figures recently released.

While it minted no Presidential dollars or Kennedy half dollars during the month, it did strike cents, nickels, dimes and quarters in the amount of 523,140,000 in total.

In contrast, coin production in January 2011 was at 764,730,000.

As the above figures reflect, the Denver and Philadelphia Mints were most busy striking Lincoln cents. Their February total of 336 million represents 64.2% of all the coins produced for the month.

Native American $1 coins were produced for a second straight month. Their monthly production is not guaranteed. The US Mint must strike enough that they account for 20% of all dollar coins minted in a year. As such, their levels are bound to how many Presidential $1 coins are produced.

The pace in February 2011 was quicker than during the same period of a year ago, but then February 2010 was also the second slowest month of the year.

The US Mint coin production figures also revealed mintages for the Andrew Johnson Presidential $1 coins and the Gettysburg National Military Park Quarters. Their totals, shown below, were the lowest in either series to date.

The Gettysburg Quarter mintages do have a chance to increase since the US Mint has a bulk purchase policy in place that enables businesses to order quarters that the Mint has stopped producing.

Related posts:

US Mint Coin Production Figures Continue Decline in March 2011October US Mint Coin Production FiguresTagged as:

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Andrew Johnson Presidential Dollar Rolls

Andrew Johnson Presidential Dollar RollsCollectible rolls of Andrew Johnson Presidential $1 Coins will be available for purchase from the United States Mint starting at noon Eastern Time (ET) on February 23, 2011.

Each roll, priced at $39.95 each, contains 25 circulating-quality coins from either the United States Mint facility at Philadelphia or Denver. 

The coins are wrapped in specially designed paper that displays the mint of origin ("P" or "D") and "$25," the face value of its contents.

Both the obverse (heads side) and the reverse (tails side) of the Andrew Johnson Presidential $1 Coin were designed and sculpted by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Don Everhart.  In addition to President Johnson's portrait, the obverse includes the inscriptions ANDREW JOHNSON, IN GOD WE TRUST, 17TH PRESIDENT and 1865-1869.  The reverse features a dramatic rendition of the Statue of Liberty and the inscriptions UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and $1.   The inscriptions 2011, E PLURIBUS UNUM and the mint of origin are incused on the coin's edge.

Customers may place their orders at or by calling 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468).  Hearing- and speech-impaired customers may order by calling 1-888-321-MINT (6468).  A shipping and handling fee of $4.95 will be added to all domestic orders.

The United States Mint also offers an Online Subscription Program to customers who wish to receive Presidential $1 Coin rolls as they are released each year, beginning in 2012.  Additional Information about this convenient ordering method is available at

The United States Mint, created by Congress in 1792, is the Nation's sole manufacturer of legal tender coinage and is responsible for producing circulating coinage for the Nation to conduct its trade and commerce.  The United States Mint also produces proof, uncirculated and commemorative coins; Congressional Gold Medals; and silver, gold and platinum bullion coins.

Note:  To ensure that all members of the public have fair and equal access to United States Mint products, orders placed prior to the official on-sale date and time of February 23, 2011, at noon ET shall not be deemed accepted by the United States Mint and will not be honored.  For more information, please review the United States Mint's Frequently Asked Questions, Answer ID #175.

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Andrew Johnson Presidential Dollar Coin CoverAndrew Johnson Presidential $1 Coins Enter Circulation Feb. 17Tagged as: ,

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

For Silver, This Time It’s Different

To many investors with a sense of history, the four most dangerous words are "this time it's different". The phrase is usually evoked in an attempt to justify why a huge price gain in a particular asset class can continue to defy common sense and historical valuation norms. A surfeit of explanations on why "this time is different" is usually enough to send seasoned investors to the exits.

Silver, having defied the low expectations of many investors, has now seen a monster rally of 392% from $8.88 in October 2008 to the recent market price of $43.67. The pace of the advance has gone almost vertical with silver gaining 60% from the lows of late January.

Long term silver investors no doubt remember the aftermath of the last rapid run up in silver prices to $48.70 in January 1980. Silver prices collapsed shortly thereafter and ultimately slid to the $5 range where it remained throughout the 1990's. Silver dropped off the radar for most investors and remained dead money for 25 years before decisively breaking out of a very long base in early 2006.

Will history repeat with another meltdown in silver prices at some near point in the future, or is the rise in silver prices indicative of a major trend change in our economic future? I have never believed that the mechanical application of past price trends was a useful tool for predicting the future. Each point is history is unique with new players and new sets of circumstances. Understanding today's fundamentals are far more important than ascribing importance to past events that are largely irrelevant.

To understand why silver prices are in the initial stages of a long term super cycle advance rather than a replay of the 1980's, it is necessary to review the differences of the late 1970's compared to our current situation. Gold and silver both advanced in the 1970's as a booming, demand driven economy fueled inflation. The huge cost of financing the Vietnam War, low employment and surging wages all contributed to a steadily rising rate of inflation which peaked at 13.5% in 1981. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker finally stopped inflation dead in its tracks through a series of massive interest rate increases which brought the prime rate to a high of 21.5% in mid 1981. High interest rates caused a severe recession but by 1983, the rate of inflation had collapsed to 3.2%.

Both gold and silver moved dramatically higher during the inflation surge of the late 1970's and early 1980's but the meteoric rise in silver prices was driven by specific events. Wealthy brothers Nelson and William Hunt acquired a massive position in silver in an attempt to corner the market. Prices skyrocketed on the news and silver went from $11 per ounce in late 1979 to $48.70 in early 1980. Regulators did not take kindly to market manipulation and margin requirements on commodities were dramatically raised. The Hunt brothers'  ill conceived attempt to drive silver prices higher collapsed along with their net worth. Silver prices plunged to less than $11 per ounce within two months. The last great silver "bull market" lasted less than six months, driven not by fundamental demand but rather by heavily leveraged speculators.

Fast forward 30 years - the finances of governments worldwide have reached the tipping point under ballooning debt levels and massive deficits. Additional borrowing by insolvent nations to rollover debt simply delays the day of reckoning - more debt is not the solution for too much debt.

The message from the gold and silver markets is clear - governments have reached the limits on borrowing and the day of debt Armageddon is approaching. The accelerating exodus from paper assets to historical stores of value is only in its initial stages as desperate governments take desperate measures to stay afloat (see Smart Money Sees The Perfect Storm for Gold and Silver).

The great debt bubble of the United States and much of the rest of the world is reaching its end game as creditors realize that a stealth default of some type is inevitable via a combination of inflation, money printing, currency debasement and/or negative interest rates.  Nor is it likely that S&P's lowered outlook on U.S. government debt to negative from stable will have any affect on reining in ballooning U.S. debt (see Why There Is No Upside Limit To Gold and Silver Prices).

From a long term perspective, perhaps this time is not different but simply a replay of the history of currencies backed only by the "full faith and credit" of governments.  Voltaire had this to say regarding fiat money - "Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value - zero".

View the original article here

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Official U.S. Mint 50 State Quarters: Complete 100 Hole Collector's Folder, Complete Collection 1999-2008

The Official U.S. Mint 50 State Quarters: Complete 100 Hole Collector's Folder, Complete Collection 1999-2008Can’t make heads or tails out of coin collecting? You need Coin Collecting For Dummies, 2nd Edition, the treasure trove on information on numismatics. This hands-on guide escorts you through the world’s oldest hobby, helping you decide which type of coins you want to collect, keep your collection in mint condition, buy and sell coins on the Internet, find interesting coin shows to attend, and assemble and diversify a great collection.

The purpose of this fun, easy-to-access guide is to turn you into a world-class coin collector in as little time as possible. You’ll learn what coins can teach you about history and geography, develop organizational and observational skills, and learn to use analytical tools, all without event thinking about it. And you’ll learn the basics about ancient coins, U.S. coins, world coins, and the wild-and-wooly stuff that really gets your numismatic juices flowing. Discover how to:

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  • Investigate tokens, medals, and miscellaneous coins
  • Create complete collections of copper, nickel, silver, or gold U.S. coins

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Monday, May 9, 2011

BCW Toploaders - 5.875 x 3.75 - Postcard Topload Holder - Top Load Display - (Pack of 25) - Postcards Collecting Supplies

BCW Toploaders - 5.875 x 3.75 - Postcard Topload Holder - Top Load Display - (Pack of 25) - Postcards Collecting SuppliesThe PVC used in BCW Toploads contain no plasticizers or stearates. Our high impact grade PVC does not migrate and will not harm your cards, photos, prints or currency, while offering maximum protection and visual appeal.


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Andrew Johnson Presidential $1 Coin Release Ceremony Details

Andrew Johnson Presidential $1 CoinThe United States Mint will introduce a new Presidential $1 Coin on February 17 to honor Andrew Johnson, our Nation's 17th President.

The event will take place at the Andrew Johnson National Historic Site, in Greeneville, Tennessee, where Johnson launched his political career.  Invited guests include Greeneville Mayor W. T. Daniels.

Following the ceremony, the public can exchange their cash for 25-coin rolls of the Andrew Johnson $1 Coin at face value.  Each child 18 years old and younger will receive a new Andrew Johnson $1 Coin to commemorate the event.


Presentation of the Andrew Johnson Presidential $1 Coin and Coin Exchange


Daniel P. Shaver, Chief Counsel, United States Mint
W. T. Daniels, Mayor
Lizzy Watts, Superintendent, Andrew Johnson National Historic Site
Daniel Luther, President Andrew Johnson re-enactor


Thursday, February 17, 2011, 11:00 A.M. (ET)


Andrew Johnson National Historic Site
101 North College Street
Greeneville, TN 37743
Note: In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held at the General Morgan Inn, 111 North Main Street, Greeneville, TN 37743

About the Andrew Johnson $1 Coin

The Andrew Johnson $1 Coin is the 17th release in the United States Mint Presidential $1 Coin Program, authorized by Public Law 109-145 (the Presidential Dollar Coin Act of 2005).  The Act directs the United States Mint to strike and issue four $1 coins each year featuring the images of our Nation's presidents in the order that they served in office.

Related posts:

Andrew Johnson Presidential $1 Coins DebutAndrew Johnson Presidential $1 Coins Enter Circulation Feb. 17Tagged as: ,

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

CCAC Seeks New Member Qualified in Numismatics

The United States Mint is accepting applications to the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) for a new member who is specially qualified in numismatics.  The application deadline is April 8, 2011.

Ulysses S. Grant 2011 Presidential Dollar Coin Design Among other tasks, CCAC members review coin designs like this created for the Ulysses S. Grant 2011 Presidential Dollar

The United States Mint will review all applications and forward recommendations to the Secretary of the Treasury for consideration and appointment.

The CCAC was created to advise the Secretary of the Treasury on the selection of themes and design proposals for circulating coinage, bullion coinage, Congressional Gold Medals and other medals.  The CCAC also advises the Secretary with regard to the events, persons, or places to be commemorated by the issuance of commemorative coins, as well as mintage levels and proposed designs of commemorative coins.

The CCAC is composed of 11 members-one specially qualified in numismatic collection curation; one specially qualified in the medallic arts or sculpture; one specially qualified in American history; one specially qualified in numismatics; three individuals representing the interests of the general public; and four individuals recommended by the Leadership of both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.

CCAC members serve terms of four years and are Special Government Employees, who are subject to applicable conflict of interest laws and ethics regulations.

Individuals wanting to be considered for appointment as a CCAC member who is specially qualified in numismatics by virtue of education, training or experience should submit a letter, along with a resume or curriculum vitae, detailing specific educational credentials, skills, talents and experience.

Applications should be submitted by fax to 202-756-6525, or by email to, or by mail to the United States Mint, 801 9th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20220, Attn:  Greg Weinman.  Submissions must be postmarked no later than April 8, 2011.

The United States Mint, created by Congress in 1792, is the Nation's sole manufacturer of legal tender coinage and is responsible for producing circulating coinage for the Nation to conduct its trade and commerce.  The United States Mint also produces proof, uncirculated and commemorative coins; Congressional Gold Medals; and silver, gold and platinum bullion coins.

Related posts:

Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee Seeks MembersCCAC Committee Applicant OpportunityTagged as: , ,

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

New Trademark 300 Pack Of Tokens For Use In The Exciting Skill Stop Electronic Slot Machines

New Trademark 300 Pack Of Tokens For Use In The Exciting Skill Stop Electronic Slot MachinesFor use in the exciting "Skill Stop" electronic slot machines, this is a refill of 300 tokens.Solid stamped metal, these tokens feature various designs and are about the size of a United States quarter.24mm Hit the jackpot and listen to hundreds of these tokens chime in the money collector!

Price: $59.48

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US Mint Sales: 2011 Native American $1 Debuts, Silver Eagles Shine

2011 Native American Dollar Coin Roll - Philadelphia

Two numismatic products hit the charts. 2011 Native American $ 1 Coin Two-Roll Sets and Andrew Johnson Presidential $1 Coin Covers debuted in the latest United States Mint sales figures. Meanwhile, remaining sales were mixed and bullion Silver Eagles continued to shine.

The US Mint made the 2011 Native American $ 1 Coin Two-Roll Sets available on Monday, March 28, and by Sunday, April 3 a combined total of 19,056 sets sold. Broken out, 9,655 were the 25-coin roll sets from Philadelphia and the remaining 9,401 were sets from Denver.

Collectors took in 15,459 of the Andrew Johnson Presidential $1 Coin Covers that opened on Thursday, March 31. The US Mint maximum production limit for the covers is 22,000 units, so 6,541 remain.

The only new item that was not reported was the 2011 America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set that started on Friday, April 1, 2011. Their opening numbers will most likely appear in the next round.

The 2011 Silver Proof Set is still selling well and jumped by 14,839 in this week's figures. Previously, they grew by 19,640. The 2011 Proof Set trailed with 13,103. In the last round, the proof sets gained 13,829.

The biggest fall in total sales was the 2011 Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set. It tumbled by -6,536. In the prior two weeks, collectors picked up 4,102 and 3,300.

As for American Eagles, the one ounce silver version advanced another 658,500 during the week while the one ounce gold version rose by 31,500. Silver Eagles eased into the 13 million bracket with 13,087,500 for their 2011 total, and the one ounce Gold Eagles were just a little shy of 300K with their 295,000 total.

The first three columns of the table below provide weekly US Mint sales increases between the listed time periods, offering a sense of recent trends. The final column provides the latest US Mint sales totals as of Sunday, April 3, 2011. Bullion coin tables are found toward the bottom, with the most recent sales as of Wednesday, April 6. (NLA = No Longer Available.)


Mar 14-

Mar 20


Mar 21-

Mar 27



Apr 3

2011 Medal of Honor Commemorative Coins 2011 U.S. Army Commemorative Coins 2010 American Buffalo Gold ProofAbigail Fillmore Uncirculated (2010)Jane Pierce Uncirculated (2010)Buchanan's Liberty Proof (2010) Buchanan's Liberty Uncirculated (2010) Mary Lincoln Uncirculated (2010) 2011 America The Beautiful Quarters Proof Set™2011 Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set™2011 United States Mint Silver Proof Set2011 United States Mint Proof Set2010 United States Mint Proof Set2010 America the Beautiful Quarters Proof Set2010 U.S. Mint Silver Proof Set™ (18-coin)2010 Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set™2010 America The Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set™2011 United States Mint Uncirculated Set2010 United States Mint Uncirculated Set2010 Presidential Uncirculated Dollar Coin Set™ (P&D)2010 America the Beautiful Quarters Uncirculated Coin Set 2010 QUARTERS CIRCULATING COIN SET 2010 AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 3-COIN SET GETTYSBURG QUARTER QUARTER BAGS & ROLLSMOUNT HOOD QUARTER QUARTER BAGS & ROLLSGRAND CANYON QUARTER QUARTER BAGS & ROLLSYOSEMITE QUARTER QUARTER BAGS & ROLLSYELLOWSTONE QUARTER QUARTER BAGS & ROLLSHOT SPRINGS QUARTER BAGS & ROLLS2009 JAMES K. POLK $1 COIN ROLLS2009 ZACHARY TAYLOR $1 COIN ROLLS2010 MILLARD FILLMORE $1 COIN ROLLS2010 FRANKLIN PIERCE $1 COIN ROLLS 2010 JAMES BUCHANAN $1 COIN ROLLS2010 ABRAHAM LINCOLN $1 COIN ROLLS2011 ANDREW JOHNSON $1 COIN ROLLSPRESIDENTIAL $1 COIN & FIRST SPOUSE MEDAL SETS™2011 KENNEDY HALF-DOLLAR BAGS & ROLLS2010 KENNEDY HALF-DOLLAR BAGS & ROLLS2011 NATIVE AMERICAN GOLDEN DOLLAR ROLLS2010 NATIVE AMERICAN GOLDEN DOLLAR ROLLSUS MINT SALES: 2011 BULLION COINSAmerica the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins

Related posts:

US Mint Sales: Grand Canyon Three Coin Set Debuts, Silver Eagles 14MUS Mint Coin Sales: 2010 Native American $1s Debut, Silver Eagles Top 3.5MTagged as: ,

View the original article here

Friday, May 6, 2011

Doris Day: Hooray For Hollywood (CSP Collectors' Series Reissue) (23 Tracks) [2 VINYL LP SET] [STEREO]

Doris Day: Hooray For Hollywood (CSP Collectors' Series Reissue) (23 Tracks) [2 VINYL LP SET] [STEREO]STEREO 2 VINYL LP SET! Doris Day: Hooray For Hollywood! Orchestra Conducted by Frank DeVol! Columbia Special Products Collectors' Series Reissue! 23 Tracks! A1. Hooray for Hollywood; A2. Cheek to Cheek; A3. It's Easy to Remember; A4. The Way You Look Tonight; A5. I'll Remember April; A6. Blues in the Night; B1. It May as Well Be Spring; B2. Nice Work If You Can Get It; B3. Three Coins in the Fountain; B4. Let's Face the Music and Dance; B5. Pennies From Heaven; B6. Oh, But I Do; C1. I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm; C2. Soon; C3. That Old Black Magic; C4. You'll Never Know; C5. A Foggy Day; D1. Over the Rainbow; D2. Our Love Is Here to Stay; D3. In the Still of the Night; D4. Night and Day; D5. You'd Be So Easy to Love; & D6. I Had the Craziest Dream.


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Thursday, May 5, 2011

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Shipwreck & Scuba Diving ebooks. How to Shipwreck Diving, Ny, Nj, Bermuda, Florida, Caribbean, Nj and Long Island Beach Diver, Fishing Shipwreck Locations GPS/Loran numbers, Shipwreck 3d Art, Fossil shark teeth guide, Metal detector ebook

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US Mint Sales: Glacier National Park Quarters Two Rolls Sets Lead

Glacier National Park Quarter

Three new 2011 America the Beautiful Quarter products appeared in the latest US Mint sales figures. They were the Glacier National Park Quarters Bags and Two-Rolls Sets. The 2011 Silver Quarters Proof Set's opening numbers, however, have yet to be announced.

The US Mint launched bags and rolls of Glacier National Park Quarters on Monday, April 4, and by Sunday, April 10 collectors picked up 19,927 of the two-roll sets, 2,697 of the Philadelphia stamped 100-coin bag, and 2,655 of the Denver 100-coin bag.

As a comparison, the 2011 Gettysburg National Military Park Quarter products opened a little stronger. Their bags and rolls launched on Thursday, January 27, and by Sunday, January 30 the Mint had sold 20,871 of the two-roll sets, 3,275 of the Philadelphia 100-coin bag, and 3,230 of the Denver 100-coin bag.

As for the 2011 America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set that debuted more than a week ago on Friday, April 1, 2011, the US Mint has not yet released their sales figures. Judging by the way other sets' sales increased, the newest silver quarters set looks to be having a positive impact.

The 2011 Mint Set climbed the most with 17,621. Previously, it had grown by 3,092. Another strong performer was the 2011 Proof Set. It added 14,543 to its total, which was up from 13,103 in the last round. The 2011 Silver Proof Set was not far behind with 13,998 in this report.

Only the Silver Eagles outperformed their prior gains among available bullion coins. Their total reached 13,803,000 after adding 715,500 since Wednesday, April 6. They advanced by 658,500 in the prior round. Gains for the other coins were soft in comparison. One ounce Gold Eagles rose 11,500 following a 31,500 increase last time. The one-tenth ounce Gold Eagles and the one ounce gold American Buffalos matched their prior additions with 5,000 and 3,000 respectively.

The first three columns of the table below provide weekly US Mint sales increases between the listed time periods, offering a sense of recent trends. The final column provides the latest US Mint sales totals as of Sunday, April 10, 2011. Bullion coin tables are found toward the bottom, with the most recent sales as of Tuesday, April 12. (NLA = No Longer Available.)


Mar 21-

Mar 27


Mar 28-

Apr 3



Apr 10

2011 Medal of Honor Commemorative Coins 2011 U.S. Army Commemorative Coins 2010 American Buffalo Gold ProofAbigail Fillmore Uncirculated (2010)Jane Pierce Uncirculated (2010)Buchanan's Liberty Proof (2010) Buchanan's Liberty Uncirculated (2010) Mary Lincoln Uncirculated (2010) 2011 America The Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set™2011 America The Beautiful Quarters Proof Set™2011 Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set™2011 United States Mint Silver Proof Set2011 United States Mint Proof Set2010 United States Mint Proof Set2010 America the Beautiful Quarters Proof Set2010 U.S. Mint Silver Proof Set™ (18-coin)2010 Presidential $1 Coin Proof Set™2010 America The Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set™2011 United States Mint Uncirculated Set2010 United States Mint Uncirculated Set2010 Presidential Uncirculated Dollar Coin Set™ (P&D)2010 America the Beautiful Quarters Uncirculated Coin Set 2010 QUARTERS CIRCULATING COIN SET 2010 AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 3-COIN SET GLACIER QUARTER QUARTER BAGS & ROLLSGETTYSBURG QUARTER QUARTER BAGS & ROLLSMOUNT HOOD QUARTER QUARTER BAGS & ROLLSGRAND CANYON QUARTER QUARTER BAGS & ROLLSYOSEMITE QUARTER QUARTER BAGS & ROLLSYELLOWSTONE QUARTER QUARTER BAGS & ROLLSHOT SPRINGS QUARTER BAGS & ROLLS2009 JAMES K. POLK $1 COIN ROLLS2009 ZACHARY TAYLOR $1 COIN ROLLS2010 MILLARD FILLMORE $1 COIN ROLLS2010 FRANKLIN PIERCE $1 COIN ROLLS 2010 JAMES BUCHANAN $1 COIN ROLLS2010 ABRAHAM LINCOLN $1 COIN ROLLS2011 ANDREW JOHNSON $1 COIN ROLLSPRESIDENTIAL $1 COIN & FIRST SPOUSE MEDAL SETS™2011 KENNEDY HALF-DOLLAR BAGS & ROLLS2010 KENNEDY HALF-DOLLAR BAGS & ROLLS2011 NATIVE AMERICAN GOLDEN DOLLAR ROLLS2010 NATIVE AMERICAN GOLDEN DOLLAR ROLLSUS MINT SALES: 2011 BULLION COINSAmerica the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins

Related posts:

Glacier National Park Quarters for Montana Released in Bags and RollsGettysburg National Military Park Quarters in US Mint Bags and RollsTagged as: ,

View the original article here

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

MARINES Authentic Military Challenge Coin

MARINES Authentic Military Challenge CoinShow off your service with this solid metal, authentic military challenge coin. Features full color U.S. Marine Corps design. Eagle Crest, 2456.


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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

2011 Native American $1 Coin Ceremony Held in Plymouth, Massachusetts

B. B. Craig, United States Mint Associate Director of Sales and Marketing, and leaders of the Wampanoag Tribe introduced the 2011 Native American $1 Coin today during a ceremony at the Plimoth Plantation in Massachusetts.

2011 Native American $1 Coin 2011 Native American $1 Coin was introduced by the United States Mint at the Bicultural Museum in Plymouth, Massachusetts. : The obverse design, by Glenda Goodacre, remains the central figure of Sacagawea first produced in 2000. The reverse design, by Richard Masters, features hands of the Supreme Sachem Ousamequin Massasoit and Governor John Carver, symbolically offering the ceremonial peace pipe after the initiation of the first formal written peace alliance between the Wampanoag tribe and the European settlers.

"The 2011 Native American $1 Coin celebrates the Wampanoag Treaty of 1621 that later led the English colonists and Massosoit and his men to join in a first harvest feast," said Craig.

Other speakers at the event included Cheryl Andrews-Maltais, chairwoman of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head; Cedric Cromwell, chairman of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe; and Jim Adams, senior historian of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of the American Indian.

Those who attended the ceremony were among the first in the Nation to get the 2011 Native American $1 Coin.  Adults exchanged their cash for the 2011 Native American $1 Coin following the event, while those 18 years old and younger received a newly minted coin to commemorate the event.

The United States Mint began minting and issuing the Native American $1 Coin in 2009, as required by Public Law 110-82, the "Native American $1 Coin Act."  Each $1 coin issued in the program will feature a design celebrating the important contributions made by Indian tribes and individual Native Americans to the history and development of the United States.

The reverse (tails side) of the 2011 coin depicts hands of the Supreme Sachem Ousamequin Massasoit and Governor John Carver symbolically offering the ceremonial peace pipe after the initiation of the first formal written peace alliance between the Wampanoag tribe and European settlers.  Inscriptions are UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, $1 and WAMPANOAG TREATY 1621.

The reverse was designed by United States Mint Artistic Infusion Program Master Designer Richard Masters and sculpted by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Joseph Menna.  The coin's obverse (heads side) design continues to feature the familiar "Sacagawea" design by sculptor Glenna Goodacre.  Inscriptions are LIBERTY and IN GOD WE TRUST.  Like the Presidential $1 Coins, the Native American $1 Coins are minted in the distinctive golden color with the year, mint mark and E PLURIBUS UNUM edge-incused.

The United States Mint, created by Congress in 1792, is the Nation's sole manufacturer of legal tender coinage and is responsible for producing circulating coinage for the Nation to conduct its trade and commerce.  The United States Mint also produces proof, uncirculated and commemorative coins; Congressional Gold Medals; and silver, gold and platinum bullion coins.

Related posts:

2011 Native American $1 Coin to Launch in Plymouth, Massachusetts2011 Native American $1 Coin Ceremony RescheduledTagged as: ,

View the original article here

US Mint Gold and Silver Eagle Bullion Coin Sales in February 2011

2011 Silver Eagle Bullion Coin

The pace of US Mint bullion coin sales slowed in February 2011 against January, but authorized dealers ordered more Silver Eagles and more Gold Eagles when compared to the same time last year.

As is always the case, American Silver Eagle bullion coins claimed the lead. Coming off a January when more of the coins were sold during a month than ever before at 6.422 million, February 2011 Silver Eagle coin sales registered a total of 3.24 million.

That was enough to easily make it the best ever February for the .999 fine silver series that was first introduced in 1986. The second top February is now from 2009 when the US Mint sold 2.125 million of the coins.

Last month versus all other past months also compared well, ranking as the seventh best of all-time. Year-to-date sales for the Silver Eagle bullion coin stands at 9,662,00, which is the best two-month start for the series.

Sales of American Gold Eagle bullion coins finished at 92,500 ounces last month, which was down from the 133,500 ounces the US Mint sold during the previous month. However, the sales pace handily eclipsed the 84,000 ounces sold during the same time last year. Compared against prior February's, last month ranked fourth overall.

The fractional one-tenth ounce, one-half ounce and one-quarter ounce Gold Eagles broke out during the month, posting their best numbers since the 2010's were issued in June. From smallest to largest, the total ounces sold were 6,000, 4,000 and 10,000. Gold Eagle year-to-date sales are at 232,000 ounces.

For reference, last month and year-to-date bullion coin sales figures follow:

America the Beautiful Silver 5 oz

The numbers above for the gold coins are in ounces, not the number of coins sold.

As the table indicates, the US Mint is yet to offer the 2011-dated Gold Buffalo and five-ounce 2011 America the Beautiful Silver Coins.

The five ouncers are three inches in diameter, include five ounces of .999 fine silver, and share the same designs as the circulating America the Beautiful Quarters®. This year's America the Beautiful Silver Coins honor Gettysburg National Military Park in Pennsylvania, Glacier National Park in Montana, Olympic National Park in Washington, Vicksburg National Military Park in Mississippi, and Chickasaw National Recreation Area in Oklahoma.

Related posts:

US Mint 2010 Gold and Silver Eagle Bullion Coin SalesUS Mint Gold and Silver Eagle Coin Bullion Sales Surge in November 2010Tagged as: , ,

View the original article here

Monday, May 2, 2011

2011 America the Beautiful Quarters Uncirculated Coin Set Availability

The United States Mint will make available the 2011 America the Beautiful Quarters Uncirculated Coin Set on Tuesday, April 19 for a price of $21.95.

America the Beautiful Quarters Uncirculated Coin Set America the Beautiful Quarters Uncirculated Coin Set

The set includes 10 uncirculated coins. Five are minted in Philadelphia and bear the "P" mint mark and five are produced in Denver and have the "D" mint mark. These are the same coins that are a subset of the annual 28-coin 2011 Mint Set, which was released on February 8 and priced at $31.95.

The America the Beautiful Quarters in the uncirculated coin set are packed within a single folder which includes information about the national parks and site related to the issues, coin specifications and a certificate of authenticity.

For reference, the United States Mint statement on the America the Beautiful Quarters Uncirculated Coin Set follows:

2011 America the Beautiful Quarters Uncirculated Coin Set™ Available April 19

WASHINGTON - The United States Mint will begin accepting orders for the 2011 America the Beautiful Quarters Uncirculated Coin Set on April 19 at noon Eastern Time (ET).

The 10-coin set contains uncirculated versions of the 2011 quarters in the America the Beautiful Quarters® Program. The coins were produced at the United States Mint facilities at Philadelphia and Denver and feature a brilliant uncirculated finish.

Orders will be accepted at or at 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468). Hearing and speech-impaired customers with TTY equipment may place their orders by calling 1-888-321-MINT (6468). A shipping and handling fee of $4.95 will be added to all domestic orders.

The America the Beautiful Quarters Uncirculated Coin Set is also available for purchase through the United States Mint's Online Subscription Program. For more information about this convenient ordering method, please visit

The 2011 America the Beautiful Quarters Uncirculated Coin Set features coins honoring:

Gettysburg National Military Park (Pennsylvania); Glacier National Park (Montana); Olympic National Park (Washington); Vicksburg National Military Park (Mississippi); and Chickasaw National Recreation Area (Oklahoma)

Its packaging includes information about each of the commemorated national sites, which makes it a thoughtful gift option for anyone interested in learning more about our historic national parks and sites. 

The United States Mint, created by Congress in 1792, is the Nation's sole manufacturer of legal tender coinage and is responsible for producing circulating coinage for the Nation to conduct its trade and commerce. The United States Mint also produces proof, uncirculated and commemorative coins; Congressional Gold Medals; and silver, gold and platinum bullion coins.

Note: To ensure that all members of the public have fair and equal access to United States Mint products, orders placed prior to the official on-sale date and time of April 19, 2011, noon ET shall not be deemed accepted by the United States Mint and will not be honored. For more information, please review the United States Mint's Frequently Asked Questions, Answer ID #175.

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

2009 D Mint DC & US Territories Quarters Set of 6 Coins Mint PR, Guam, Virgin Islands, Samoa, Nothern Mariana

2009 D Mint DC & US Territories Quarters Set of 6 Coins Mint PR, Guam, Virgin Islands, Samoa, Nothern MarianaThis set has 6 coins:
Washington DC
Puerto Rico
American Samoa
Virgin Islands
Northern Mariana Islands


Click here to buy from Amazon

US Mint Products at March 2011 ANA National Money Show

2011 Silver Proof Set, 2011 Mint Set, 2011 Proof Set US Mint images of 2011 Silver Proof Set, 2011 Mint Set, and 2011 Proof Set

The United States Mint will offer a wide range of products for sale at the 2011 American Numismatic Association's National Money Show in Sacramento, Calif., from March 17 to 19.

Attendees will be able to purchase 2010 collectibles, as well as newly released products in the America the Beautiful Quarters® Program and the 2011 United States Army Commemorative Coin Program.

Look for booth #433 in Halls A and B of the Sacramento Convention Center.

Additional products on hand will include the following:

Assorted annual sets, such as the 2011 United States Mint Proof Set®, the 2011 United States Mint Silver Proof Set and the 2011 United States Mint Uncirculated Coin Set®Assorted Presidential $1 Coin products, including the 2011 Presidential $1 Coin Proof SetAssorted bronze medals honoring first spouses, Abraham Lincoln, the Tuskegee Airmen, the Dalai Lama, Navajo Code Talkers and others

The public may also purchase these and other products at the United States Mint's secure Web site, or at 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468). Hearing- and speech-impaired customers with TTY equipment may order by calling 1-888-321-MINT (6468).

The United States Mint, created by Congress in 1792, is the Nation's sole manufacturer of legal tender coinage and is responsible for producing circulating coinage for the Nation to conduct its trade and commerce. The United States Mint also produces proof, uncirculated and commemorative coins; Congressional Gold Medals; and silver, gold and platinum bullion coins.

For information about the United States Mint, please visit

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